Off Centre

By RachelCarter

Tuesday night's wall

I can't believe these pelargoniums are still alive and flowering outside.

I got back into yoga after 4 days doing other stuff. It took me 42 minutes to do what was supposed to take 22 minutes and I collapsed with a thud every time I was supposed to "lower gently" but I'm definitely getting stronger and building up stamina. The weird thing is I thought I was quite supple and good at yoga and had good balance but a different DVD with a different approach and a different speed (speed's not the right word...) has proved otherwise. I'm actually a weak, wobbly, sweaty mess. But marginally less weak, wobbly and sweaty than 10 days ago.

In other news: I got some way through the VAT return, spent far too long trying to repair the shop's printer, gave up and ordered a cheap new one, and I sold the fishtank. The fish are going to a new home in a local hairdresser's tomorrow. I hope they don't forget us...

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