Probably a shot of a Jnr

By Hollowspy

Mock sausages, real foul taste

Did a lesson on food rationing in WWII this afternoon. After showing them the ration books and weighing out people's weekly allowances, I mixed up some mock sausages that were mostly potato. I fried them in lard for authenticity and although most of the class actually liked them, some didn't!!!

School trip tomorrow to Stockport Air Raid shelters; been twice before, going to be amazing.....

On a random note, I picked up Jnr Jnr from a pal's house after school and we went past a huge house overlooking a Derbyshire valley. She commented on how 'amazing' it was, and said she was going to live there when she's older. I told her it was really expensive and she said, "What, like about £1.95?"

Do you think they'd accept £1.80?

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