Over the Horizon

By overthehorizon

Amphibian intensive care unit

Early this morning we processed the frogs we collected last night. Meaning, we measured, weighed, and described them for science. Despite all our best intentions the morning grew warmer than we had hoped and we soon had an emergency on our hands. Our little frogs were getting too hot! Stressing out in fits of black and blue colors. Normally this is no problem and a frog in a ziplock bag as long as it has water is fine for days sometimes Alejandro tells us. Temperature change though is a problem. Luckily Elizabeth (L) and Coral (R) jumped into action setting up a makeshift intensive care unit, ironically of all places in a huge cauldron pot filled not with boiling water but icy cool water. I am happy to say they all made it through and are making a speedy recovery hopping and ribbeting back in the forests we first found them. All in the name of science :)

Later in the evening after a natural history class in the grass and a big pot of lentils and rice for fuel we climbed up another valley nearby to a place called the Tamimanga trail. Thick breaks of bamboo and nekron grass descending to a stream of cool bubbling water rushing down from the mountains. Slippery moss green boulders and sucking muddy trails hungry for our wellies. Illuminating the forest in shadow and moonlight walking ahead by headlamp carrying more species. Little works of art to come....

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