
By CoffeePotter

Lambing Season

Yes the lambing season is once more upon us.

I went out in my lunch break to try to get some good photos of the newborn (today) lambs which are in a field near to my office.

I donned waterproofs and wellies (amidst much hilarity from my co-workers) and Blipfully trudged down the road and up the track to the aforementioned sheep field.

It rained and poured and although I did manage a couple of shots of very wet very sorry looking little lambs, I was so rushed (trying not to get my camera wet) that basically - the pictures were rubbish.

So here I am at home this evening with no Blip for today. I therefore turned to my emergency subjects Hector and Ziggy. They are not lambs but do bear more than a passing resemblance. So here for your delectation is my very own lamb for today Ziggy-sheep doing a very good impersonation.

Ziggy has now returned back to being his normal dogginess.
And at least I am home and dry - in more ways than one!

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