twinned with trumpton



Today started early, awake at 0524. No reason, just was.

And first thing to do was be at the ERI for my final appointment following my elbow fracture almost exactly a year ago. An event that showed a lot to me. That I had to take myself to hospital after coming off my bike; a journey of 4 miles on my bike cos someone wouldn't answer their phone. That when I was admitted for surgery on the Monday morning, I left alone at 0645, said goodbye to the boys but no one else.
That I got no call or visit from boys who I know were worried, but somehow another was able to find me, come and comfort me, show concern.

Anyway, both positive and negative memories from that time.

So in spite of being up early, I didn't leave the house until 0845; still managed the 10.1 km uphill into the wind in 27 minutes; happy with that!

And also happy to walk through the building and see the WBG prints as well as some Iain Hamilton-Findlay.

So was done there finally about 1030; discharged with a clean bill of health. And then cycled home a slightly more circuitous route (16km on a shoe search and some store cupboard staples).

Then home for 11.30 and flipped on the laptop to work.

Wrote up yesterday's reports, answered some e mails, tried to organise stuff for next week; couple of chatty emails. Suddenly mid afternoon - call.
"You in tonight, baby?"
"Er, yes?"
"Can I come over for dinner? Just for an hour or so?"
"Er, yes?"
"Thanks. I really fancy pasta, something like pasta alle vongole? Can you do that?
"Er, yes?"

So for about 75 minutes, I had company - I cooked, chatted, drank wine, chatted. She's very stressed about her domestic situation and was distracted.

Still, good to see her.

Then, out to the bus stop, she actually kissed me in public. Most unusual. And off I strolled to the library to pick up a couple of reservations - Fuck Buttons 'Soft Focus' (which I am listening to as I type - love 'track 2 Year of The Dog) and also These New Puritans - Field of Reeds. Lost in music....

And a glass of Spanish red....

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