Windows in Time

By ColourWeaver

Foodbank, Atherstone, North Warwickshire, UK

A visit to the Foodbank in Atherstone.

13 million people live below the poverty line in the UK.

Every day people in the UK go hungry for reasons ranging from redundancy to receiving an unexpected bill on a low income. Trussell Trust foodbanks provide a minimum of three days emergency food and support to people experiencing crisis in the UK.

In 2012-13 foodbanks fed 346,992 people nationwide. Of those helped, 126,889 were children. Rising costs of food and fuel combined with static income, high unemployment and changes to benefits are causing more and more people to come to foodbanks for help.

The Trussell Trust partners with churches and communities to open new foodbanks nationwide. With almost 400 foodbanks currently launched, our goal is for every town to have one.

Foodbanks help prevent crime, housing loss, family breakdown and mental health problems. A simple box of food makes a big difference.

All food is donated by the public and sorted by volunteers. Frontline care professionals such as doctors and social workers identify people in crisis and issue a food voucher. Clients receive three days of nutritionally balanced, non-perishable food in exchange for their food voucher. Foodbanks also make time to chat and to signpost clients to other helpful services.

Why do people need emergency food?
Today people across the UK will struggle to feed themselves and their families. Redundancy, illness, benefit delay, domestic violence, debt, family breakdown and paying for the additional costs of heating during winter are just some of the reasons why people go hungry.

What’s in a foodbox?
Each foodbox contains a minimum of three days nutritionally balanced, non-perishable food.

If there is a local church near you, please donate an extra can of food or other non-perishable goods. Go to the internet and google. "Foodbank" for a list of the goods required.

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