Long tailed tit

Brrrr, it's cold today but at least it's dry! We've been to buy me a laptop so that I can finally put this ageing desktop out to grass. It's slowed dreadfully over the recent months and I want to be able to sit in the warmth of the living room and do my blip and project stuff in Tony's company. The new machine is presently at the shop having all sorts of things being put on it and I should hopefully be picking it up over the weekend.

We've had lunch at Lady B's (mm cheesy, herby crumpets!) and now I'm working through my list of jobs. I had an unexpected and exciting e-mail to do with some of my Scottish holiday photos last night but I won't say anything until the story unfolds!

Tony has washed the bird feeders this afternoon and I've been observing the birds whilst he was back and forth. At one point he took down the fat bit feeder and a lone longtail sat in the topmost branch chirping away. As soon as the feeder was filled and Tony was back inside, a whole flock of the little guys arrived, was that an example of communication? Just had to blip one of them, which stood still for long enough!

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