Walken Cupboard

The 50 chin up challenge continues...

I'm on Week 3, Day 1.

I'm now up to 41 pull ups which tonight consisted of the following 5 sets:

* 10 assisted pull ups
* 10 Australian pull ups (this is an inverted press up)
* 10 assisted pull ups
* 7 Australian pull ups
* 4 negative pull ups.

On my off night last night I thought I'd try unassisted. I managed 1! Considering I couldn't do any unassisted when I started two weeks ago I can at least see some progress.

In other news, my land line now works.

In other other news, I'm washing some towels tonight.

In further mind-blowing news, the photo above is shit because my arms were shaky after the pull ups.

No more news really. I may do some music or perhaps play some records. Or, I may just give up and chill the fuck out.

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