Don't Stop Me Now

Already a foot deep in water outside the car door I thought better of going through and crossing the bridge. Seeing the warning signs I was just happy to take a few shots of the lights reflecting in the River Avon flood water at Eckington bridge then turn round this evening. I was only standing in the car park 2 days ago so a lot of water has come down since.

Half in and half out of the window leaning at a precarious angle, a car comes towards me having obviously ignored the 'Road Closed' signs liberally spread at intervals down the main road to Pershore. Hitting the fairly fast flowing river water at a fair lick he ploughed through - goodness knows what would have happened in the near dark if he'd stalled. So I dedicate this quite amusing link which always makes me smile to the man/idiot in the silver Honda! Though, part of me suspects he enjoyed kicking up the spray on the obviously crazy woman taking the photographs. I've got your number mate!

I had the most magical experience on the way home as up in the sky there was a starling murmuration! Pulling over the car I grabbed the camera. Staggering just to stand and stare taking it all in. They flew right overhead in the twilight so close that the sound was like a very quiet swooshing, made by many thousands of wings twisting and turning, spiralling, banking and dropping. I've only ever seen them in the distance but this was so close it was incredible - just breathtaking!! They started in a small group and were joined by flock after flock coming in ready to roost. They peeled off going into the distance to plummet into trees a way away. I got a few shots as they got further away but these small flocks don't really give the scale of the event. It was also difficult to focus in the dark as you couldn't see what was happening.

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