
By bevhumphrey

Quick Blip, Quick Glug, Quick Sip, Quick Plug.....

....calling all Blippers who may have been to Tuscany with John Gravitt and LPH or who are looking forward to going for the first time or a return visit! ( Hello Terry and James that were with me)

Its a fabulous trip, I went is September last year. Fantastic countryside and stunning small towns and villages, wonderful light and local characters, so so beautiful. And your hosts, Jimmy and Angela and their gorgeous sons made it a very special and unique holiday in their beautiful home that they generously open up to you so warmly. This blip is simply a wine label of the red wine that I found here a week after our return and of course is from the vineyards all around Jimmy and Angela's villa. And there are COPIOUS amounts put on the table in decanters each night to accompany Angelas's amazing cooking! Never drunk so much red wine and not had a hangover...must be that special Tuscany air and the fact that it doesn't even get chance to get bottled.
For what its worth, this is bottled for Spar , and only £6 a bottle......but it brings back wonderful memories of a great place and great company, and so is a regular in my wine rack now.

Following a really busy week in work, I am unexpectedly going away for the weekend.....friends have a spare room in a penthouse apartment in Cardiff Bay and a spare ticket for the Six Nations opening match at The Millenium Stadium !!!! They are Welsh and get tickets handed down in the family from an old sporting connection. Only got the offer tonight so all a bit last minute so better go and pack! I will take my camera but not my laptop I don't think, so will probably backblip when I'm home and sober....going to be a great laugh!
Have a great weekend everyone. :)

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