If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Scots Pine

Today was a day of catching up, mainly doing things I aught to have done before now and hadn't.

As a result photo opportunities were severely limited, I suppose I could have blipped the village recycling centre but it was hardly photogenic! So being determined to do outside shots (as I suspect I will have a number of inside shots to do during my convalescence) I resorted to a wander round the garden.

A number of things caught my eye but I finally settled on this one. We have a Scots Pine growing in a pot, courtesy of Kanyl. You could hardly describe it as a Bonsai as it is 2 or 3 feet tall and not trained into the shape of a mature tree as Bonsai are.

It was the contrast between the needles, the remains of 2013's flowers and the bud that caught my eye. So there it is.

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