
By DanEllwood11

Jelly legs

My legs have been so sore! Yesterday was bad but today they are really bad. They're sore to touch and when I walk, every step is painful. Isn't DOMS a wonderful thing.

The muscular-skeletal woman came to see me. She deals with muscular issues, joint pains, postural defects and many other things. She started by stretching my legs, which was quite painful but then she started massaging them. That was agony, especially when she stripped my IT band.
I've had great pleasure in stripping other peoples IT bands and seeing them in discomfort. Now I feel awful because I know how much it hurts.

Me, mum and Chloe went out with Brian and Bobby for something to eat at Nandos. That was really nice. It's still crazy when I think about it. "I'm sat here with a legendary boxing trainer and a future world champion." Madness.

We then went back to the gym to watch a few others sparring. All I wanted to do was join in.

Tonight has been the first night in a while I've thought, "I really want to go home now." Mum came up in my car and sitting in the passenger seat didn't feel right. I need to get back home, back driving and back doing things I love, like boxing. I might not be able to put as much effort in as I used to but I'll still be getting my fitness back, slowly.

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