
By MrsPuff

A Myrtle a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

I wasn’t planning on doing a Myrtle blip two days in a row, but when I was photographing the apples I picked this morning, she turned up to investigate. So did Sweetpea, but she tried to eat one of the apples, then decided to try and climb the fence (she failed).

Unfortunately, these apples ended up in the bin, as I overcooked them, and they got burnt (doh!). They look so lovely in this photograph - it saddens me to think of the horrors I inflicted upon them shortly after this photograph was taken.
And I was so looking forward to enjoying delicious pies and crumbles. There’s just something special about growing your own food.

There are still some apples on the tree, further up, where they are safe from my evil grasp, but sadly, they look as though they’re full of very hungry caterpillars.

Now I shall have to wait until next year.

Oh well, it’s best not to dwell on the negatives in life, so I shall move on.

Have a great Friday!

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