The Little Acorn

By thelittleacorn

30 Day Challenges

Since 30-day challenges seem to be "in", my roommate & I are doing one to improve our abs. By this summer, she plans to lose 35 pounds. I will have my braces off and be in the best shape of my life! Look out, world! New smile, new body, new outlook. You can't see my smile or my abs in this photo, but when they are picture worthy, I'll get them up here!

He should be completing his 30-day challenge soon, too, if not already. When he showed me the printout of the website, of course I looked it up. I know he has definitely been following it. Defining core values. Reaching out to a long lost friend. Starting a journal. Sticking to non-negotiables. Even asking a girl out on a date.

I knew that was one of his tasks. I was confused why he was so intent on telling me about it or prodding me to ask about it. I'm pretty sure that wasn't the intent of the task, to ask a girl out but not be completely focused on her. Although I admit it was sweet that he was still texting and thinking of me while with her.

One of the last tasks in his challenge is "Write a love letter." I don't know how long I'll be hoping to find a letter from him in my mailbox. But with each passing day, it seems less likely. He did say I hold onto the smallest piece of Hope, like it was my only lifeline. Good thing I'm getting back in the pool. I sure dove into the deep end here. But no way am I gonna let myself drown over this.

I did "attract" a letter once, though. I dreamt that I received a letter from a friend. The next day, it arrived. I still have that letter somewhere here. I should go find it and remember what it's like to get letters from the heart.

As for him, if he has truly fallen in love with someone else already, it sure happened really fast! Didn't he just start dating? It does make me wonder what he felt after a few weeks and even moreso after three months of hanging out with me, though. My roommate swears he felt something, too. Guys don't do or say the things he does, if he's not really feeling something, she says!

Well, fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me thrice? I need a new lucky number. This one's not doing so well. We both had lives before this "page" in our story and I'll continue to fill blank pages with or without him. Perhaps next time our lives cross, we'll get it right. But I'm certainly not holding my breath either.

Last night, I had another dream. But I'll hold off on writing about it, in case it comes true. Let's see how well The Secret really works! :)

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