A Ramblers Tale

By ramblerstale

Age of Technology

Jonatalie and I went down to the science museum here in Shanghai and had alot of fun. It was an excellent museum with really awesome exhibits and such. It was alot of fun. I liked this display. It showed many of the different types of tv's and how they had advanced as we've moved into the age of technology. Was alot of fun. A very good museum.

Actually I have a question for those that are the really big dog lovers and trainers. Maybe this is just part of Taz being a golden retriever, but I've been noticing alot lately that she is a really anxious dog. I think alot of it may be due to the lack of socialization which is important for an extroverted breed but I feel like she always needs attention and gets anxious when she doesn't receive it. Things like I'll be typing on my computer and she wants my attention so she'll literally try to shove my computer off my lap with her nose. While its cute the first few times it gets old fast. Are there specific ways I can be training her to help her calm down? I love her to death but her level of anxiousness gets to me. I can take her for a long walk, several times a day and she still just demands attention and gets upset with anything or sometimes even anyone who takes that from her. I'm not sure what to do with it. Suggestions?

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