
By credere

Just the right biscuits...

I Saw a short play tonight with a friend. About a couple, Barbara and Jeffrey, who are in a bit of a predicament - they've been tied up and are being held hostage while their house is being burgled!

One hour later we've had Barbara busy fretting about whether Jeffrey bought the right biscuits from the shop (the ones with the pistachios in from Kenya, of course! Don't you know that pistachios give just the right crunch?!), her long-suffering, sexually frustrated husband losing the will to live, some incompetent burglers getting excited over beavers in the study, the vicar popping round and getting tied up herself, the local bobby arriving to question Barbara about the fact that she knocked him off his bike, and the neighbours popping round and excitedly mistaking the whole thing for a bondage-fetish party!

In the end Barabara and Jeffrey discover that love really can conquer all - well, as long as you can sit down and have a cup of tea, and just the right biscuits....

Quite hilarious :)

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