fooled ya...

...into thinkin' it's spring time


when - instead - it's snowy - cold - and blowing a storm outside - has been all day - and will be continuing through the night into tomorrow as well - brrrrr - it's a good thing - the high country is getting an extra heaping of snow - which equates to good spring water run off

for once, i was a really smart cookie - took stock by visiting the market yesterday to purchase some essentials - included were these beauties - why tulips are out so early is quite beyond me - yet there they were - staring me in the face - taunting me - beckoning - i believe having fresh flowers in the house is good for morale - my mental health - especially since i've not been feeling very well lately - somehow making do without some other treat - in order to indulge in the wonder of nature is so worth it, don't you think - especially now that i will be home bound due to the snow - a smart move - one which has led to...


happy day.....

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