A Quarter Past Eight

By iusher

My Contribution To The Inside Of My Eyes

After a couple of missed appointments, I finally made it to a Diabetic Retinopathy screening appointment. Some drops in my eyes to dilate my pupils, them a minute or so to take photographs of them, then some analysis which, if all goes well, will result in my receiving a letter telling me I have "background retinopathy". I wasn't allowed to take a copy of the images home but with permission a snap of the screen became today's image.

Today is also the deadline for Income Tax Self-assessment, and accompanying the grrrrrr at having to pay up today was the knowledge that the clinic I attended this morning, the support friends received at the same time in the same hospital and the prescriptions that keep me alive and healthy all come from this same place.

Snapseed: Crop, Tune Image, Centre Focus

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