
By Brotographer

Circling [1/5]

Big day. Got in early with Shane for what is likely to be my last open day. I gave it all when it came to the guided tour of campus and the group of students I was showing around were probably the coolest I’ve ever had. In the end, it was really rewarding and I think I may actually miss giving campus tours. There’s something incredibly satisfying about giving personalized tours, when you know you're genuinely addressing what the kids are interested in, rather than sticking to generic touring guidelines.

Afterwards, I hit up the grid to work for a couple hours. Janey was struggling over some work that reminded me that I haven’t actually solved a single equation in almost a year… Master’s in mechanical engineering? Not much legit math, it’s all on Matlab if anything really.

Ali, AHJ and Harvey came to uni house for dinner, and I finally got my hands on that free buffet. Our plates were mountains of tikka and japanese noodles all mixed together. Then Ali and me headed to Terrace Bar for the big photosoc circle #2!

For me, it surpassed the first one. Sure, the novelty factor wasn’t there anymore, but everyone was on top form and it was even bigger! Between the games of one hipster photographer, plank, mahfood and snaps, there were some hilariously humiliating challenges. Balcony pint made a return, as did plank pint. Everyone was definitely stained purple by the end, and our tower was 150 plastic cups high alone (you can see it in the photo). Rowdy bros Matt, Ali, Sorensen and me definitely managed to rile Eve and Shane up a couple times. WORTH IT. Here's a photo of Jen pulling off a trick, with Ali and and Dan on either side. Pop was standard if anything afterwards, but the rowdy car on the way back was hilarious. Klara, Matt, Sorensen, Mahfood and me in a car filled with unay and late night kebab. Mental night.

PS. rejection day went by totally fine. I guess we rejected rejection day.


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