TEMENOS, meaning sacred ground in Greek, is located at Middlehaven Dock as a symbol of regeneration in Middlesbrough. In the background is the iconic Transporter Bridge.

This £2.7m structure took four months to piece together on the banks of the River Tees during 2010.
It was created by artist Anish Kapoor and structural designer Cecil Balmond.

The structure is nearly 50m high and consists of five miles of stainless steel wire in a cable net, strung between two hoops, 32m and 28m in diameter, one of which is hanging in the air from a 45m tall mast.

Longer than a 747 jumbo jet and as tall as Nelson's Column it is Britain's biggest sculpture.

Local reaction has been mixed - but that is what art does – it divides opinion. Me, I love it !

Sporty Bit . . . just a draw for Boro today – but any point is better than none !

Sorry about lack of comments this week - I will try and catch up tomorrow after Mr Hilton has finished his dressage competition !

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