aging hippy

By aginghippy

No more animals !

OK that's it. No more animals for my blips.
I always try and find something different every day for you. Enough already.
Firstly I got stung by a ' yellow jacket ' when trying to photograph the last of the corn.
For those of you don't know what it's like to be stung by a yellow jacket then just imagine 6 wasps with severe personality disorders stinging the same place simultaneously.
Then I thought I'd try something less hazardous.
A cow behind a fence. How difficult is that?
Easy peasy until the cow actually sticks it's nose on the lens. And I don't use filters!
My email to Nikon asking them how to remove a cow's slippery gelatinous nose drippings from a $1,000 lens has yet to be answered.......
Have a happy and insect free weekend everyone....


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