
By tidaschu

Sticky Stories

SALOMON - obviously from my snowboard. I love it <3

Chat-Up Line - punkband, my flatmate Manu (aka "der Kraken") plays the drums. Check them out! They are fu***** awesome.

UND ICH SO: - translated "and I like:" or said/did like... a collage, no deeper meaning. Thought it fits to the "BOLJE" ...

The Emblem - of my fencing guild "Hammaborg".

BOLJE BICIKLOM ... - serbian for "better by bike to the ladies (friendly translation), then by mercedes to work". Bought it during a workshop in Belgrade. I've got great memories from there. The serbian hospitality is not beatable :D

SMILEY - from my mom, it's a part of a set I got in my advents calendar, I think two years ago.

GORILLA - A better tomorrow - sadly - was a platform where artists can upload and vote designs, the best were printed on T-Shirts. I got more then 10 shirts from there.

SLOGAN - a organic streetwear label from Poland. Bought a jacket during the Dockville festival. Founded it by collecting cups for the 1€ deposit.

I <3 Photos - Chris puts them everywhere... Genius sticker design. You can find them all over Hamburg =P

FREAKS - again a collage, was part of a bigger sticker. Just thought it fits (;

One last sticker is not visible in this photo. It's located right next to trackpad. KAERLIGHED - danish for love. A girl I was in love with gave it to me. It didn't last... The sticker does.

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