Strike that. Reverse it!



The start of Tommy's disco party. Loved the lights on the ceiling so decided to use this as a blip. Been a very busy day today but very good. One for the memory bank :0)

Tommy said it was the best party he had ever had. I'm amazed by how well it went. Which is down to amazing friends who helped out. Definitely a successful joint birthday.

Feeling so very tired, hadn't thought it was that hardwork but feel zapped. Off to the cinema tonight though so perhaps I'll catch some zzzzz's in the warmth of the cinema :0)

Family party tomorrow. Well Tommy has informed me tomorrow is his family party. Oh to be 6 and have 3 parties and 3 cakes, not forgetting 3 lots of pressies. A very lucky young man.

Hope you've all had a great Saturday xxx

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