jangib journal

By jangib

Book Hive How to go to a dance

I just happened to venture into Bristol Central Library and was amazed to see such a creative sculpture . Book Hive is a unique living sculpture which uses animatronic techniques to bring our books to life. It is a celebration of 400 years of Bristol's first public library . On 7 December 1613 local Bristol merchant Robert Redwood gave his King Street Lodge to become Bristol first public library.
The sculpture is at Bristol Central Library and took residence on 7 December 2013 the date of the anniversary and will remain until 7 March 2014.

Over this time the display will grow from 100 books to 400 in early February.

All the books are donated or are old books from the Central Library shelves and have been given a new lease of life.

The Artwork has been designed and developed by Bristol robotics Rusty Squid

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