living in a glass house

By DandelionTree

#100happydays - Day 28

Chickpea the birthday girl!

Chickpea had a zoo day today with some friends for her birthday. She had a lovely time. It was a very rainy and wet afternoon but she didn't mind and it didn't seem like anyone else did either. Except for us adults, of course, that were shivering in our boots. Well, I was at least. It was lovely, though! The little ones did a lot more running around/ playing on the playground and splashing in puddles than actually looking at the animals but it was good fun, and we got to see the giraffes. They were indoors (like most of the clever species) and we were close enough to see their blue tongues. The other highlight was the orangutans. There were two babies playing and staying close to mom, so sweet, very close up. It's usually too crowded in there on a busy day so I guess that is a plus side of going in the rain. We also sang Cleo (and Claire as it was her birthday too) the birthday song over lunch. She had 4 candles in a cherry bakewell tart. I was going to wait unti we got home but she really really wanted to blow out candles at the zoo!

Now Chickpea is 4 she:

-- Knows the letters in the alphabet and some of the sounds they make and really enjoys playing eye spy. Her favourite phrase when playing this game is "I'm excited to guess" when she knows what the answer is, I can see the spark in her eye and she really is excited to guess!

--Is starting to get the basic concepts of adding and even subtracting a bit.

--Says her favourite show is Swashbuckle. I was a bit surprised as I've never seen her watch it but she said, "at the end one of the naughty pirates has to walk the stinky, smelly plank!" Ah, that'll be it, then! She also really likes Green Balloon Club, a nature show.

--Really loves to draw. Sometimes she will sit and draw for ages, sheet after sheet. Usually people.

-- Says her favourite songs are The King and the Lionheart and The Elmo Butterfly one where "Elmo meets a butterfly and wonders if he can be a butterfly too." This was also a surprise to me as I think she's only seen it once or twice on youtube.

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