Blocking it all out

The last 24 hours since we discovered the damange to the car has not been easy. It's been hard to settle to anything, so I've been looking for ways to distract myself. In the middle of the night it was reading. Just now it's been trying to achieve the still life effect I could see in my mind's eye, but found hard to achieve.

These are some items that are dear to me. Two of the Medina glass bowls I brought back from Malta, plus stones and other objects collected on various holidays. Good memories. Unlike the bad ones that having the car damaged has stirred and which were bothering me badly in the middle of the night until I eventually got up and started reading Richard Holloway's Leaving Alexandria which is a quite extraordinarily 'human' book.

Meanwhile, we had the police here yesterday, and now I've just phoned the insurance company and got everything moving. The car will be collected within the next hour and hopefully the next time we see it, it will be sorted. It was vandalised in a way that no one has ever seen or heard of before. Essentially, the bonnet was cut open with metal cutters, to force open the bonnet catch, and one item stolen from under the bonnet. An item that is probably worth only about £200. Extraordinary. I wondered about blipping it, but decided I didn't want that photograph on my journal for posterity. Instead, as I said, here are some things I hold dear.

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