Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

Sunset over high tide

Its been a busy day today, worked all day. The two little old ladies dogs have gone home. The 18 yr old collie was such a little sweetie, so gentle and a pleasure to be with. Its been high tide again today and I had to turn back this afternoon as the coast road was flooded, thank goodness the other road which I should have taken in the first place, was passable.

I just about managed to get some shots of the sun going down, wish I'd been there a few minutes earlier though to get reflection in the water. Oh well can't have it all :) Anyhow I quite liked the birds flying around in this shot. Oh the the water in this shot is the high tide which has flooded some fields and will probably have disappeared tomorrow. Oh and behind me was a field of swans which I blipped last week, can't believe they are still there.

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