Was It Really So Long Ago

By LincolnGreen

Early Risers

In stark contrast to 2013, this year numerous plants in the garden are already bursting forth into growth. The weather has been very mild this winter, with only a slack handful of frosts. Today, the second of February feels like an early spring day. The sun has shone for hours and hours.

In stark contrast to my wishes and those of beloved, young master junior decided we should make the most of the day, to the extent that we would be up and awake even before it had begun. Beloved fed him later yesterday evening than is usual, due to our drive home from a family visit getting in the way of his routine. Instead of responding with a civilised Sunday lie-in, he was awake at something after 6:00 with a hunger that a dummy was not going to satiate for long.

After a couple of hours, his sisters were awake. He'd fallen asleep for a nap, so it was time for a board game on the lounge floor. After yet another hour, Beloved awoke to the aromas of grilling bacon and fresh tea.

The rest of the day involved brake discs, paint and wood from the store, with a splashing of wandering around the garden with the camera.

Hope you enjoyed your weekends. Have a great week!

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