
By asm929


Meet Freddie, the cockatiel. He was originally my grandmother's pet, but when she had to move into an assisted living home, my mom took over his care. He is easy to care for, he has a small vocabulary - mostly things like "Hello Freddie" and "Freddie is a good boy". My mother has been working on teaching him some new phrases and he picks them up pretty quickly. I opened the door to his cage to take a photo so I didn't have to take it through the cage bars and he wasn't happy with me, hence the display of wings. During the winter my mom keeps his cage in the dining room so he is warm and not isolated. In the warmer months she keeps him on an enclosed porch where he can see out the windows (not sure if this matters to him or not). All in all, I think he is a pretty happy bird as long as I keep my camera out of his cage!

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