The Best Surprise!!!

Vineland, Ontario, Canada

As I was writing this birthday email to my Nephew Franco. At 1230 am this morning there was a knock on my door. Surprise it was my Nephew Franco, his was driving back to Ohio and stopped by to say hi but now is going to stay the night.

Happy 22th Birthday to My Dearest Nephew Franco,

You have always held a special place in my heart and mind, and will continue to do so regardless of the number of birthdays you celebrate. Today, you turn 22 years old. You have been special since the moment I knew you would be you. I can’t believe how fast time flies. I remember when your mom told me that she was expecting you… how overjoyed I was when I heard the news. I remember my first glimpse of you: tears were not to be denied as I finally met the beautiful person I had begun to know, the perfectly formed body with the tiny but strong hands with fingers that curled not only around my fingers, but also around my heart. Those hands are much larger and stronger, but they have never loosened their grip on my heart.

You have a strong and brave heart … I know you will grow up to be such a good man. The life you share with me is a miracle and not a day goes by that I am not grateful for you being here. I am so excited to see what life has in store for you. I hope you realize one day how much you’ve taught me to become better person. Your presence alone commands me to look outside of myself …and to care for others first… for you. To look within myself and ask how I can make things better … for you.

I love that every time I watch Toy Story or just look at the Sheriff Woody Doll that is sitting on my desk, I think of you. I still remember that day I took you to see Toy Story (Your First Movie) you sat on my lap the whole time and clenched the Sheriff Woody Doll I got you hours earlier. I remember cradling you to sleep as you watch the Blues Clues. I remember being the one who witnessed you crawling for the first time, your first steps, your first word, (I was there for all your firsts when you were younger) and I remember how you tried to say my name for the first time.

Franco, you will always be my first love and I will always love you. The world you entered 22 years ago will continue to be filed with challenges, opportunities, some good and some bad, but only you will learn which door to close and which to enter. Just as I know the sun shines brightly today, I know the clouds will come tomorrow, clouds of disappointment, frustration, and anger. You must remember these are only clouds and will not linger long before the sunshine of new growth and new boundaries will once again widen the world you entered at your birth.

I miss you every day and I can’t wait to see you again. But each day before then I hope your life is filled with so much love and joy and happiness. And even if we are not there to celebrate with you today – know in your heart that your home is where you are loved.

Enjoy your Birthday Franco, and know that I Love you to infinity and beyond.

Your Aunt,

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