Mono Monday #2

When I took the photo this morning, I didn't know if it would look okay as a mono or not. But seeing as it was the highlight of my day, (unless you call vacuuming the house for the first time in two weeks a highlight,) it would just have to do.

I finally finished the rush job I've been working on. And it's been delivered. So tomorrow I can begin a few other jobs that are in need of my attention, but no where near as time consuming as the shirts.

Here you see some of the shirts as I was packing them ready for delivery and surprisingly, the different colour tones show up really well in mono. Perhaps not as interesting as some of the other contributions to Paladian's Mono Monday, but this was my day, a job finished, so I'm pleased. And tired....this time not so much from working long hours, but that feeling of relaxing when the pressure of finishing something is behind you.

A quick edit! Oh no, I just checked my blip for this day last could I forget, It's Phoebe's birthday!!! And she's 15 years young today!!! Gotta run and give her a big birthday hug. (She's getting on, maybe she's forgotten it's her birthday....I hope!)

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