wedding, day one

the wedding celebrations kicked off today after a wonderful nights sleep.

first up we had the bridesmaid's luncheon at a cool cafe in downtown greenville. we had some amazing southern food and got to meet all of kristin's girlfriends and family members. the bride presented us with matching hoodies with our names on. loved it.

then kristin, kristi and i checked in to our swanky hotel and got ourselves ready for the rehearsal and then rehearsal dinner. with 12 bridesmaids and 12 groomsmen a rehearsal was definitely necessary!

the rehearsal dinner was held in a swanky restaurant downtown and hosted by the groom's mother. amazing food and some great speeches. another chance to get to know all of the people who are special to david and kristin.

we had to get a nice picture of the three of us, as most other photographs that we have are of us wearing scruffy clothes and no make-up, in the middle of the african bush somewhere. the fountain behind us is frozen, not typical for SC.

such a wonderful day of southern goodness!

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