All Things New

Hi Tom

It was nice to have you FaceTime first thing this morning. It looks like you had a good time watching the Super Bowl. I hope Hayley has recovered!

The blips are going to be coming from my iPad or phone for a while as dad has taken my camera with him skiing. He will get much better photographs with it. I'm feeling very envious of him, I would love to go skiing again. I mustn't be greedy though as I've had my weekend away.

It was lovely to see you had done your first blip. Please do more.

I have blipped my new chair, the new lamp and a new little cabinet which arrived while I was away. It was delivered on Saturday when the driveway was flooded. The delivery men wouldn't bring their van up the drive so dad and Nick walked up the drive in waders and carried it back through the flood....that would have been a good blip!

I also bought myself some tulips which I've displayed on the cabinet. I felt a bit down today. Probably because I've had such a good weekend surrounded by people and now I'm home alone.

I'm going to have an early night tonight. I was kept awake until the early hours as the Super Bowl was being watched here as well. As much as I tried to shut it out I couldn't. I was up at 5.30 this morning getting ready for bootcamp. As you can imagine I'm quite tired. So early to bed for me and I think I'll take a hot water bottle as my other one is away until the end of the week ;) x

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