twinned with trumpton


Local Wander

Saturday, slow start after a late finish. Was supposed to be climbing Tinto with Paw, but weather forecast was rubbish; so no surprise - Saturday morning was superb!

So I mucked about and avoided doing anything once the washing up had been done and by lunchtime knew I need to get out. Bike came out without any real conviction - briefly considered the Peripherique, a 25 mile lap around Edinburgh, but - nah...

So went 500 yards up the road with the camera and went exploring. For all the new builds, there's 5 times the area in gaps. And I wandered off into waste land - just because? There's all manner of stuff there; someone clearly feeds birds there - I saw a flat with binoculars which would maybe indicate an ornithological person tends the birds? And evidence of camp fires and carry oots, the usual colonisation by birch and buddleia. Intriguing views into Caroline Park House, too.

But in February, typically the most colourless month there is still vibrant hues out there. The aforementioned birch, the upper branches deep crimson and purple, the yellow of last year's growth on the willow. The striking white trunks of bitches, too. Stray yellow smears from the broom. All glistening from the ever more frequent showers.

Highlight of the day was a guided tour around the Walled Garden. I was watching what looked like a wild cat disappear into the gas tank when an elderly gentleman walked past, remarking it looked like he had missed the best of the day.

We got talking and five minutes in he's showing me around his former market garden. Dilapidated green houses, over grown rivet hedge, jungles of willow herb. But still the order visible showing where the now chaotic flora had once been reined in, neat squares and straight regimented lines everywhere. And a million facts and stories. An hour well spent.

Boys came at five and we had a good evening before I tucked them in for the night.

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