Mostly Six Five Oh

By nhc

What's happened to all the trees!

I had such a shock today when walking home to find all of the trees on the corner of NE 17th and NE Brazee had been felled! This block (and others throughout the neighborhood) has been an obstacle course for a few weeks where they have been repaving the sidewalks and doing root inspections on the street trees. I guess the city decided time was up for these poor trees, so upsetting!

In this shot you can see there's a little sign up, that's for the Friends of Trees, which means this area will be replanted almost immediately but wow, these were beautiful mature trees and home to many creatures and I always liked walking on that shady side of the street in summer. Going to be years until those new trees reach the wonderful heights of the ones they replace. Sigh.

A couple more pictures of the carnage here.

I guess Punxsutawney Phil was right… we had some snow this morning.

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