
I only took one photograph before today's deluge started. When I spotted this lone sheep by the hedge I guessed it might be in trouble. As often happens at this time of year it had been caught up by brambles fastened in its fleece. But as I approached it tore itself loose.

Sometimes they get tangled more inextricably as they twist and turn to get free. I've never actually found one dead in this situation but it must be stressful especially when the flock moves on and leaves the trapped animal behind. Recently I found no less that three sheep caught a briar patch not far from home. As I dashed for the secateurs I called the farmer on my mobile to alert him of the sheeps' plight and left a message. At least I thought I had, but a few days later I had a call back from an old friend with the same name, puzzled by my breathless voice mail about the urgent need to release three trapped sheep. As a green activist, he'd wondered if it might be a coded message.

Another for the Mono Monday challenge.

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