Crenel View

By crenel

Inside the DreamPlug

The problems I've had with the internal microSD card in the old DreamPlug have held me up on doing anything with the new one. It was also holding up a number of other things that were even more important. Tonight I decided to tackle it, so I shut it down, moved it over to where I had the JTAG interface ready, and booted it up in single user mode. One long-running fsck later and now the card is "fixed" -- ha ha, joke's on me, it's gone from problematic to completely unusable. What a fun exercise this has been so far, and with such great timing (naturally).

Decided to finally open up the old DreamPlug, my first time doing so, in order to pull the card and see if I could access it elsewhere. Not too likely given the other systems I have available, but I was getting nowhere directly on the DreamPlug. My lack of experience with debian was, of course, a factor that slowed me down.

Anyway, you don't really care, you're here for photos. But now you know the back story on this shot.

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