Dilapidated Dumper Truck

DDW's Alphabet Challenge Day 4 : D is for...

Disappointingly the parts that were delivered to me yesterday for work today didn't fit. Again. Despite the drawings showing measurements which, if they were true, would have meant everything fitted. Unfortunately the drawings are wrong. Back to the drawing board and another trip to town to try and get the right bits. I am pretty confident that I have them now - tomorrow will confirm my assumption...
So, I was home at lunchtime and the dreich weather brightened up in time for my darling HV and I to go for the customary afternoon wander with the dogs. Up to the scrapyard and a wander around taking pictures of lots of old things.
I have blipped this dumper truck before but not shown how dilapidated it really is. The bucket on the front has two old diesel Lister engines in it. As if they were about to be taken somewhere, but the truck was parked and they remain here, disintigrating...

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