Boot Cleaning

Well, not really boots, more 'approach shoes' cleaning.

Mr H and I returned to Hope Cove today, this time Outer Hope Cove. We once again ate our picnic watching the sea, this time, in the car.

Mr H said, "Shall we put our boots on?" I said no, I won't be going on any dangerous cliff walking, not in these conditions.

We set off for a poddle around the cove and I spotted a footpath inland that we could make a circular route of. "Let's go up here" , I said, "it doesn't look too muddy". So, off we went. It wasn't muddy for quite a while, and then it got muddy, very muddy, and Mr H muttered a bit about wearing boots etc. I couldn't say a word, I was acting all brave and unfazed by extreme mud and oodles of sheep poos......

We did make it back to the car, we had coffee from the flask and Mr H went off to wash the worst of the mud of his (ahem) approach shoes.

Yesterday's blip didn't tell the whole story. We had a bit of a car adventure, the car wouldn't start. We were pointing down toward the sea, in a howling gale and rain, it was getting dark and there was no phone signal, and it was pretty much the back of beyond. Mr H donned his superman pants and red cape and went off to find a phone to call the AA. They came and rescued us. Well, it turned out we drained the battery whilst picnicking, Mr H had managed to bump start the car and got the engine running before the AA came.

We made it home alright and I managed last night's blip but hadn't the energy to tell the tale.

We had the best of the weather for our muddy, not so muddy walk today, and now the wind is blowing a gale with rain. We are comfortable and cosy in the warm.

In the background here, you can just see 'Burgh Island, and Thurlstone behind.

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