el lobo feroz

By guerra

New Bike

So my Best friend, it's cool that at my age I can still call someone my "best friend". we have been close since High School, we are God parents to each other kids, best man at each other's wedding, we married sisters (we are brother-in-laws) and on, and on...

over the years we have had tons of fun and activities that we do together.
but we didn't share each other's biggest passions, his is baseball, mine is bikes.

well now that age is catching up with us, he has decided to get a bike to stay in shape... not that we need more excuses to hang out, but I hope we'll be spending some time on the trails, and I can show him all the cool bike stuff

yesterday was his first ride (this is a backblip) on his new bike, it's going to be awesome!

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