City Boy

By kwasi

Bunsgoil Crois Na Cise

This mural is in the playground of Tollcross Primary School which provides Gaelic medium education for anyone who wishes it. I only recently noticed the mural and, while taking the shots, the Lady who helps the children across the road engaged me in conversation. The school used to be on the site of the Usher Hall in Lothian Road and when Andrew Usher (famous family who perfected whisky blending and turned whisky into an international drink) donated £100,000 to the city to build a City Hall, he demolished and rebuilt the school on its present site. The site is opposite the old Edinburgh Meat Market and the wall on which the mural stands is the last remaining wall of the old Slaughter House (blips have perhaps become a little gruesome after two days ago!). The Usher Hall was opened on 19 July 1911 and was used for all sorts of purposes. Its now largely a concert hall. The mural makes a bright splash of colour.

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