Celebrating life

By DeeS

Lonely reader

Oh I am a lonely reader
I live in a box of books
I'm tempted by the thrillers
And I often go by looks
But the ones that call out to me
Are the ones that I find
Which show the world differently
And really shake my mind.

With apologies to Joni Mitchell and A Case of You.

A foul day weatherwise but I finally finished the first draft of my report so I'm very happy. Didn't get outside so had to scurtle around indoors for a blip and finally decided on the box of books my sis-in-law Sally gave me after she had a good clear out. Problem is, we've totally run out of book space so boxes and bags - and now a crate - of books litter the house. We're both avid readers and I love being surrounded by books. My mum couldn't understand why we kept buying more - her classic line was 'Haven't you got enough books now?'.

Hope you've all battened down the hatches.

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