How do you like your eggs in the morning?

I like mine with a ...

Ok well eggs were for lunch not breakfast, and I had them (well two of them) with toast rather than a kiss.

I am rubbish at poaching eggs, I've tried many 'fool proof' methods but I guess I'm just a fool because I still can't manage it without my faithful poach pods.

Highlight of the day finally finding prepared chestnuts in the supermarket after months of searching I want them for a recipe involving pheasant.

Low point my JSA claim hasn't been processed because they are waiting on a bit of information from me, which apparently they've requested. Erm nope not had anything, they only have my postal address, my email address and two phone numbers to contact me!!! The joy, I have to ring them, cause you know it's a different department on yet another 0845, good job we have a landline but even then all these calls still cost money.

But I did fill out my first application form today - I feel a bit rusty with the whole personal statement bit so we shall see and I have two more potentials to fill in, just need to check the person specs.

And in other news it's been a painful hip day :(

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