Jeremy Deller

A trip into Manchester for afternoon tea at the Midand.
I hadn't been to the Midland for a while and had forgotten what a great old hotel it is.
This was where Rolls met Royce and like the hotel the rest is history.
Then onto Selfridges for ‘Danger: Imagination at Work’ with Jeremy Deller, Mary Anne Hobbs & Dave Haslam.
I love events like this and with an intimate and great setting and Jeremy Deller on top form it didn't disappoint.
I asked the question 'did they think that the human imagination was at it's most powerful when it was used in cruelty?' and used the examples of dictators and their imaginative ways of torture, genocide etc.
Jeremy replied that he thought it was a very dangerous mix and that you didn't want dictators and serial killers using their imagination. He then went on to say that he did workshops in prisons where he'd met some of the most amazing minds and that if only they had had better education their life would have been vastly different.
The evening was finished off with a wonderful dinner at Australasia a really buzzing Manchester restaurant, that is always great fun.

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