
At my hospital check-up today the ophthalmic nurse looked through my pupil with a microscope strong enough to see what is going on at cellular level. I find that completely miraculous. He said that the repaired eye is doing well and also told me that the other eye has astoundingly good vision considering that it has had two operations. Which set me wondering. I know that sight depends on creating strong neural pathways between eye and brain in babyhood. Does eye repair also depend on practice? Is looking for blips every day good for my eyesight? Is my neglect of everything else I should be doing actually therapeutic? Does my health require me to be doing more photography and (even) less housework?! Perhaps I’ll start a small medical trial.

Anyway, I went back to work and cheerfully told my line manager that I’d been signed off. He looked horrified and it took several seconds for him to realise that I meant I don’t have to go back to hospital and for me to realise that he thought I’d been signed off work!

Isn’t this street light remarkably like the iris of an eye?

My sister, who I haven’t seen for over a year, is here from her home far away so for the next few days I’ll be talking with her rather than you. Sorry, but I’ll be back.

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