The Light Chaser

By TheVisualArtist

37-365 Birthday 46

Well, there you have it. This is my BDay picture for 2014. I'm at 46 and pushing. This portrait is just "eh". I wanted it to be EPIC! Been thinking for a week about a self-portrait that was killer... what could I do? Then it hit me, to make this EPIC I would include my most precious gift with me in my BDay photograph. But alas, she's Sulma Palacios quite ill today - she's my gift. Someone told me this week in relation to her: man, you are so lucky. I've never been lucky. I have Favor and I'm Blessed. She is a result of both. Today, I'm happy: our kids are well, the GBaby is well and mySulma is in my life (and needs my help right about now...COMING!).

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