Once upon a blip

By onceupon


This is Mr Once-Upon who I finally managed to rope into being my assistant!
Holding a sparkler that I do believe is 2 years old...

/Begin rant
Honestly, work is a trial at the moment. My general manager made me cry at work a couple of days ago (since when are you allowed to swear in informal performance reviews??) saying how everything I'm doing is S*** and look at this C*** (my stats) the stupidly ridiculous thing is my stats aren't that bad. I serve the most people and my items per sale is barely on the required amount. The only problem is my average sale being half what they want. What do they want me to do, refuse to serve people who want to spend less than $10?
Being told stuff like that made me cry (I know but I hate being sworn at) and he just kept telling me how C*** I'm doing. Sigh
/End rant

I think I may need a new job, but I have only been in this one 4 months and I cannot afford to walk out. I mean I love my job, minus the sales targets.. And in this economic climate I'm totally expendable. Not a fun feeling.

Anyway. Might have another couple of blips similar to this, now that guy fawkes is only a few days away.


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