
By keithyboy

You better not blip me!

Well Mr B. I have blipped you, you only have yourself to blame for coming to see me, only kidding.

One of my good friends popped in to see me at work today, being a cheery chap he is always one of my highlights from the shift, especially when he has just had confirmation that he is allwed to live and work in NZ for another year.

This isn't the first time I have tried to capture him candidly, I have failed both times so this will just have to do. He caught me putting the phone away and had that familiar reaction of "wait a minute"... "did you take my photo" and "you better not blip me". I'm sure he won't mind too much, he is somewhat of a hospo celeb around these parts. Everyone loves Danny and I love him because he is one of the few people in town older than me!

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