
By Carscribe

Don't park on the double yellow lines ...

A chilly car photoshoot in North Kent today, then decided to see what effect the torrential overnight rain had had in the nearby Darenth valley. Intended to loop round via Eynsford, a picture postcard-pretty village. Had to double back, though, as the road was blocked.

This viewpoint is from the little humpback bridge where traffic normally crosses beside the village ford. It is currently blocked off by flooding, with nearby houses sandbagged and the road's double yellow lines submerged under the risen Darenth. The level marker under the bridge usually shows around a foot of water. Today it is registering over a metre. The weekend forecast is for a lot more rain on the way.

Just beyond the ford is a sign that reads 'test your brakes'. Good advice for anyone venturing through the water in summer. But for anyone stupid enough to try driving through now, it should read 'wreck your engine'.

Feel really sorry for all the people flooded out of their homes in Somerset and in the Yalding area of Kent, but this is a reminder of others affected too. What an interminable winter!

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