Siilinkari sector light and Sochi opening ceremony

In a small islet called Siilinkari there is a sector light, which guides water-borne traffic in Näsijärvi lake through a safe channel at night. Me and Sami walked there today from Lapinniemi, it's a bit over a kilometer walk on the ice to reach Siilinkari. The weather was misty and it was a bit strange feeling to walk on the ice, since the landscape was all white, the coastline wasn't visible at all. There were some skaters and skiers on the ice too.

I picked up Leevi's morning suit (saketti) for his prom next week and after that visited a dog cafe Vainu with Sami.

Hubby announced that we'll watch Sochi Olympic winter games every day. The opening ceremony was spectacular including the massive show of 3500 fireworks.

-1° C, cloudy

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